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FIAR 2016 - two weeks to the opening day of the most important European insurance spring event
29 Април 2016 г.,zastrahovatel.com
Kurt KARL, Chief Economist, Head ER&C - Managing Director, Group Strategy, SWISS Re and Misu NEGRITOIU, President, ASF - Financial Supervisory Authority, are the Keynote speakers of the Insurance Market Trends Conference, which will take place at Brasov, on May 17th, within the 19th edition of FIAR - The International Insurance-Reinsurance Forum.
Nine different events - conferences and workshops - will reunite a large array of insurance professionals, touching the most important issues of the European insurance business field.
Here are the most relevant details of FIAR 2016 offering:
- The BROKERS' Conference - May 16th - dedicated mostly to the changes and challenges introduced by the Insurance Distribution Directive in this area of business;
- The Solvency II & Risk Management Workshop - May 16th - will analyze the current status of the Solvency II implementation at the member states level, as well as the challenges and the new approaches needed in the risk management activity under the new legislative framework.
- The Insurance Market Trends CONFERENCE - May 17th - the global economic outlook and the implications for P&C companies, as well as the influences of the current economic on the investment rates of the insurance companies and the solutions for developing the insurance industry in CEE are the topics which will be addressed by the conference's speakers.
- The Nat Cat and Reinsurance Conference - May 17th - will put under scrutiny the cat risk management issues in emerging markets and will also analyze the threats and opportunity born by the soft reinsurance market environment
- The Requirements Management Workshop - May 17th - will introduce an internationally acknowledged methodology, based on the theories of the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB), making a first step to make IT projects more successful
- The Motor Insurance Conference - May 18th - will provide the opportunity of a comprehensive analysis of the possible outcommings of the new Law on MTPL in preparation for the Romanian market; crucial issues as improving customer's satisfaction or better managing the costs control processes are also among the main points of the agenda.
- The Employee Benefits Conference - May 18th - will address the opportunities provided by the insurance and private pensions industries for improving employees' retention and encourage personal savings
- The Life&Health insurance Workshop - May 18th - will analyze the way in which the sharing economy may act as a driver for a new shift in life & health insurance, as well as the means to managie the information stream to optimize life&health insurance
Among the most relevant speakers at FIAR there are:
- Paul CARTY, Chairman of the EU Committee, BIPAR - The European Federation of Insurance Intermediaries
- Prof. Karel Van HULLE, KU Leuven and Goethe University Frankfurt, Chairman of the IRSG of EIOPA, Member of the PIOB and former Head of Unit for Insurance and Pensions at the European Commission
- Bogdan ANDRIESCU, President, UNSICAR
- Kurt KARL, Chief Economist, Head ER&C - Managing Director Group Strategy, SWISS Re
- Misu NEGRITOIU, President, ASF - Financial Supervisory Authority
- Adrian CODIRLASU, President, CFA Romania
- Louisa RENOUX, Head of Risk Management, Federation nationale de la Mutualite Francaise (FNMF)
- Jens KAWELKE, Competence Unit Manager Requirements Engineering,, Financial Services, NTT DATA Deutschland
- Greg TALBOT, CCM, Business Development Manager, AIR Worldwide, UK
- Shane LATCHMAN, CCM, Assistant Vice President, Research and Client Services Groups, AIR Worldwide, UK
- James GRANT, Managing Director, Xactware, UK
More details about FIAR's program are available here.
To register for the event, click here.
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